Take the first step on your investment journey...

The first step in your journey is to meet with Richard. It’s free and we’re confident you will get some benefit out of it. We're keen to learn about your goals, and help you make informed investment decisions that fit in with your life plans.

North and South Island locations: Our main office and meeting rooms are in central Hamilton and we have a satellite office and meeting rooms in Nelson. Richard is more than happy to meet at your home anywhere in the Waikato and Nelson/Tasman regions. Alternatively, we can meet by video.

To schedule a meeting, please call, email, or fill in the enquiry form.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us

E hello@kingstonwealth.co.nz
T 0800 122 249 | M 021 284 4881

Panama Riverbanks, 286 Victoria Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton 3204

Mahi Tahi Colab, 322 Hardy Street, Nelson 7010