Your independent financial advisory firm

For a bright financial future

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Welcome to Kingston Wealth, an independent investment advisory firm based in Hamilton. We are investment specialists. Richard Grimes is the adviser and Sarah Robinson Practice Manager – a dynamic team of two. If you have (or are aiming to accumulate) investment capital of $500,000 or more, we would love to talk to you.

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What we do

We are investment specialists


Our sole focus is advising and helping people invest their money wisely to ensure they maximise opportunities to live the life they want. With Kingston Wealth you will invest in a diversified portfolio of company shares, property and fixed interest – owned by you, managed and advised by us.


“The benefit of our independence is that you receive advice and investment recommendations based purely on merit and what is best for you.”

– Richard Grimes


We would love to help you

The first step on your investment journey is to meet with Richard. Let’s talk and get to know each other. You will learn more about how we can help and then decide if we’re the right people to look after your hard-earned capital.

We look forward to meeting you – we have a lot to talk about!

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